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[综合资料] OReilly - Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++

发表于 2006-4-4 11:21:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【文件名】:0644@52RD_OReilly - Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++.chm
【格 式】:chm
【大 小】:500K
【简 介】:
This book introduces embedded systems to C and C++ programmers. Topics include testing memory devices, writing and erasing Flash memory, verifying nonvolatile memory contents, controlling on-chip peripherals, device driver design and implementation, optimizing embedded code for size and speed, and making the most of C++ without a performance penalty.
Embedded software is in almost every electronic device in use today. There is software hidden away inside our watches, VCRs, cellular phones, and even a few toasters. The military uses embedded software to guide missiles and detect enemy aircraft. And communication satellites, deep-space probes, and many medical instruments would've been nearly impossible to create without it.
Someone has to write all that software, and there are tens of thousands of electrical engineers, computer scientists, and other professionals who actually do. I am one of them, and I know from my personal experience just how hard it can be to learn the craft. There aren't any embedded software courses in school, and I've never been able to find a decent book about the subject in any library.
Each embedded system is unique, and the hardware is highly specialized to the application domain. As a result, embedded systems programming can be a widely varying experience and can take years to master. However, one common denominator across almost all embedded software development is the use of the C programming language. This book will teach you how to use C and its descendent C++ in any embedded system.
Even if you already know how to write embedded software, you can still learn a lot from this book. In addition to learning how to use C and C++ more effectively, you'll also benefit from the detailed explanations and source code solutions to common embedded software problems. Among the advanced topics covered in the book are memory testing and verification, device driver design and implementation, real-time operating system internals, and code optimization techniques.

The book contains ten chapters, one appendix, a glossary, and an annotated bibliography. The ten chapters can be divided quite nicely into two parts. The first part consists of Chapter 1 through Chapter 5 and is intended mainly for newcomers to embedded systems. These chapters should be read in their entirety and in the order that they appear. This will bring you up to speed quickly and introduce you to the basics of embedded software development. After completing Chapter 5, you will be ready to develop small pieces of embedded software on your own.
The second part of the book consists of Chapter 6 through Chapter 10 and discusses advanced topics that are of interest to inexperienced and experienced embedded programmers alike. These chapters are mostly self-contained and can be read in any order. In addition, Chapter 6 through Chapter 9 contain example programs that might be useful to you on a future embedded software project.
Chapter 1 introduces you to embedded systems. It defines the term, gives examples, and explains why C and C++ were selected as the languages of the book.
Chapter 2 walks you through the process of writing a simple embedded program in C. This is roughly the equivalent of the "Hello, World" example presented in most other programming books.
Chapter 3 introduces the software development tools you will be using to prepare your programs for execution by an embedded processor.
Chapter 4 presents various techniques for loading your executable programs into an embedded system. It also describes the debugging tools and techniques that are available to you.
Chapter 5 outlines a simple procedure for learning about unfamiliar hardware platforms. After completing this chapter, you will be ready to write and debug simple embedded programs.
Chapter 6 tells you everything you need to know about memory in embedded systems. The chapter includes source code implementations of memory tests and Flash memory drivers.
Chapter 7 explains device driver design and implementation techniques and includes an example driver for a common peripheral called a timer.
Chapter 8 includes a very basic operating system that can be used in any embedded system. It also helps you decide if you'll need an operating system at all and, if so, whether to buy one or write your own.
Chapter 9 expands on the device driver and operating system concepts presented in the previous chapters. It explains how to control more complicated peripherals and includes a complete example application that pulls together everything you've learned so far.
Chapter 10 explains how to simultaneously increase the speed and decrease the memory requirements of your embedded software. This includes tips for taking advantage of the most beneficial C++ features without paying a significant performance penalty.
Throughout the book, I have tried to strike a balance between specific examples and general knowledge. Whenever possible, I have eliminated minor details in the hopes of making the book more readable. You will gain the most from the book if you view the examples, as I do, only as tools for understanding important concepts. Try not to get bogged down in the details of any one circuit board or chip. If you understand the general concepts, you should be able to apply them to any embedded system you encounter.

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