发表于 2011-10-8 13:28:27
1.Run the differential (signal+, signal-) pair TOGETHER all the way from the MSM codec to the audio amplifier driver.
2. Run the differential pair such that the distance (separation) between them is constant at every point along the way (keep them TOGETHER and as close as possible).
3. Run the differential pair identical (match trace width/length/thickness and impedance).
4. Run the differential pair with GROUND GUARD FIELDS from the rest of the board (ground needs to be of lowest potential and, if possible, run on ground planes).
5. Run the differential on the quiet side of the PCB. Dedicate one side of PCB to have all analog signals.
6.Run the differential pair with the minimum distance from MSM codec to the PMIC speaker amplifier inputs.
7.Keep the input filter stage close to the PMIC speaker amplifier inputs.
8.Avoid running the differential signal traces from one layer to another, because transversing through vias could bottleneck your signal and cause a voltage drop. If you do run the signals from one layer to the next layer, make sure the vias can handle the current. Run the pair on the same board plane as much as possible.
9.Avoid separating the differential pair, because it could loose its immunity against common mode noise.
10. Run the pair AWAY from any digital signals (clocks, digital grounds, other high speed
11. IPC-D-275 states that for an internal conductor a minimum of 4 mil (0.004 inches) of
conductor spacing is needed for voltages between conductors of 0-15 V DC or AC peaks.
12. Minimize MSM codec to transducer signal trace length (keep the system to close proximity).
13. Avoid sharp turns of signal traces.
14. Avoid running signals close to RF/antenna, especially the input signals.
15. Place Cin close to PMIC speaker amplifier.
16. Single-ended input configuration trace from MSM codec to PMIC needs ground fills
[br]<p align=right><font color=red>+5 RD币</font></p> |