Evaluation of multiple carriers deployed in a channel block
802.20 evaluation criteria section 16 stated the channel block size to be evaluated:
2 x 5 MHz (total 10 MHz)
2 x 15 MHz (total 30 MHz)
For example, if a proposed technology is designed for a channel bandwidth that is significantly smaller than the channel block size in the evaluation, a few carriers may be placed adjacent to each other so as to increase the spectral efficiency for the evaluated block size.
In addition to the requirement to meet the FCC out-of-band spectral emission at the block edges, the adjacent channel interference may cause a performance degradation, depending on the channel spacing
【文件名】:0938@52RD_IEEE 802.20.ppt
【格 式】:ppt
【大 小】:380K
【简 介】:
【目 录】: