发表于 2006-3-9 09:24:00
<P>If the battery voltage is lower than 3.2 V (battery partially discharged or fully discharged), the charging
scheme to be applied is the pre-charge. Pre-charge with a charger (AC pre-charge) or pre-charge with
any USB accessory( a carkit, an USB device or USB charger) are supported. The mobile phone is not
started until the battery gets sufficiently recharged up to 3.2 V; when this happens, the mC is started to
control the fast charge cycle of the main battery, and the C/20 current can be switched off forcing
PREACOFF or PREUSBOFF programming bits to 1. In case the mC did not stop the pre-charge, it is
automatically stopped when the battery voltage is higher than 3.6V.</P><P>以上是摘自TI的TritonLite specification。在Precharging,MCU是不起来的,等到3.2V,MCU会起来进入fast charge。如果MCU不起来,Triton会在3.6V时停止precharge。</P> |