This Application Note describes the process for programming the MicroTuner MT2060 Tuner with Revision Code 3 or higher. It is not applicable to earlier Revision Codes. This Application Note contains the following sections:
• Programming Basics – This section provides a description of the various MT2060 programming elements. This section also includes the definitions of variables used to program the board and their corresponding register addresses. Descriptions of the power-up initialization procedure and the software shutdown mode are also in this section.
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• Calculate Local Oscillator Settings – This section shows how to calculate the Local Oscillator settings for the MT2060.
• Calculate and Write MT2060 Registers – This section describes how to calculate the registers that are used for tuning.
• Tuning Examples – This section provides examples for tuning the MT2060 to meet North American TV and Cable Modem channel requirements.
• Appendixes – This section includes Tables containing address Field Information, Serial Communications Bus Data Formats, and Register Descriptions.