<P>第九个实验中外差式接收机怎么有的地方做不出来啊?比如本振功率对接收机性能的影响中MeasEqn的设置,该怎么弄呢?我自己做的怎么会出现下面的问题呢?</P><P>Simulation / Synthesis Messages </P><P>
Warning detected by HPEESOFSIM during netlist parsing.
Too many step specifiers given on `HB2_stim'.
Warning detected by HPEESOFSIM during DC analysis `HB2'.
Z1 of Chebyshev filter BPF1.CMP1 is constrained to 36.890531 ohms.
(even order restriction)
Warning detected by HPEESOFSIM during AC Analysis `HB2'.
Linear S_Port `PWR2.CMP1' is non-passive.
Warning detected by HPEESOFSIM during AC Analysis `HB2'.
Linear S_Port `PWR1.CMP1' is non-passive.
Warning detected by HPEESOFSIM during spectral noise analysis `HB_NOISE'.
The global circuit temperature and the IEEE standard noise temperature
(290 Kelvin) do not agree in the spectral noise analysis `HB2'. The
`Temp' parameter on the Options item can be set to 16.85 Celsius
to eliminate this warning message. If the circuit temperature is
different from the IEEE standard temperature the loss and the noise
figure might not agree.
Warning detected by HPEESOFSIM during spectral noise analysis `HB_NOISE'.
The specified input frequency does not mix to the noise frequency
at the output. Please check the value of the input frequency.