发表于 2008-2-29 17:35:52
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>jimi</I>在2008-2-29 9:38:07的发言:</B>
What I mean is the linearity of the R, G, B channel.
The AWB function is used to adjust the slope of R, G, B channel.
So after you do AWB the R, G, B channel slope of the neutral color will be the same.
If your linearity of the sensor response is good, this scene will not apperar after AWB.
Because we always adjust the slope to the Max channel value (such as G in most sensor).
The graph I show is the bad linearity of G channel . If your linearity of the R, G, B
channel is as what I show. When the pixel value is close to saturation. You will
multiply the gain on the R , G, B channel. But G is not linear close to saturation, you
can't multiply the gain on it.
For example when the pixel value of R, G, B channel in linear is
R = 100, G = 130, B = 100; And the R, G, B channel in non-linear is
R = 200, G = 240, B = 200; the R Gain = 1.3, B Gain = 1,3.
After AWB, The linear value will be R = G = B = 130., but non-linear part will be
R= 255, G= 240, B= 255; But In theoretically, the G value should be 255 (If the channel is linear) <FONT color=#ff0000>+3RD币</FONT> |