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[讨论] fpga for wavelet compression

发表于 2006-1-25 18:57:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
All projects have been designed with Xilinx ISE3.x using XST Technology for synthesizing. If FPGA Express is used the results are not usable.
There are different Projects solving different tasks. The main projects are:
WVT_USB1 (Wavelettransformation and USB transmittor)
IWVT_USB1 (Inverse Wavelettransformation, Wavelettransformation and USB receiver)
For each project there is a directory with its name containing the corresponding ucf-file and a working bit-file. The vhdl-code wich is used by different projects is stored in the CODE-directory. In addition every project directory has an own code-directory with additional code for the project. If there is the same filename in the main CODE directory and the project code directory you must use the file in the project code directory.

The german Documentation is found in the pdf file "FPGA_WaveletTransformation.pdf". This is my Diplomathesis and contains more then only the descripton of the vhdl code. The implementation of the wavelettransformation core is discussed in chapter 4. You will find block-diagrams on page 22 and the following.
The USB-Transmission is discussed in chapter 6 (page 51 and the following).
There is a further pdf "Zusammenfassung.pdf" containing an overview and a top-level block-diagram with USB-transmission.
Table 5 (page 34) and table 11 (page 57) are explaining the vhdl-files and function.

Technical overview:
The implementation uses a 5-3 Wavelet (part of the jpeg2000 standard) for the wavelet-transformation. The arithmetic is designed for 8-bits using modulo operations, so the transformed image still uses 8 Bits (integer WVT with constant dynamic). This is only allowing lossless compression. For the transmission the USB Port of the XSV-Board is used (bitrate 10Mbps). The design only uses the physical layer of USB, there are no higher layers implemented. Compression is done through an entropie-coder, using a table optimated for the integer WVT.
For grabbing an image I use the frame-grabber design provided by XESS. With this design an image is read from a videocamera. The design should work with european and american standards. Thi visualize the images there is the vga-port used. This is also done by an example design from XESS.
To initialize the video-decoder you have to run a batch file wich uses the parallel-port to emulate a i2c bus. The name of the batch file is 'saasetup.bat', you also need the 'saa7113.exe'. Both files are in the Saa7113 directory.
Further information about the framegrabber and vga output can be found on the XESS homepage.
To control the grabbing, transformation and transmission I use the pushbuttons. The function of the pushbuttons is explained in the top-level vhdl files.(WVT_USB1.vhdl, IWVT_USB1.vhdl)

The design has to be run with 50 MHz clockrate.

I have designed this wavelet-transformation and compression codec during my diploma thesis for a bachelors degree at university of applied science St.Gallen, switzerland. The time to do the diploma thesis was limited to four weeks. Because of that the testing of the codec was not very intensive, and of course there may be some problems unsolved. For me this was the first time I used vhdl, so there may be some not very well designed parts because of the lack of experience.
With our boards the WVT_USB1 and IWVT_USB1 works pretty fine. But I have only tried it on three different XSV-300 Boards.

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