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<B>【简 介】:</B></P>
<P>Helsinki University of Technology, Electronic Circuit Design Laboratory
Report 33, Espoo 2002</P>
<b>Mikko Waltari</b></P>
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science in Technology to be presented with due permission
of the Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering for public examination
and debate in Auditorium S4 at Helsinki University of Technology (Espoo, Finland) on the 24th
of June, 2002, at 12 o’clock noon.</P>
Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering
Electronic Circuit Design Laboratory
Teknillinen korkeakoulu
Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto
Piiritekniikan laboratorio</P>
<P><b><FONT size=4>Abstract</FONT></b></P>
The increasing digitalization in all spheres of electronics applications, from telecommunications
systems to consumer electronics appliances, requires analog-to-digital
converters (ADCs) with a higher sampling rate, higher resolution, and lower power
consumption. The evolution of integrated circuit technologies partially helps in meeting
these requirements by providing faster devices and allowing for the realization
of more complex functions in a given silicon area, but simultaneously it brings new
challenges, the most important of which is the decreasing supply voltage.
Based on the switched capacitor (SC) technique, the pipelined architecture has
most successfully exploited the features of CMOS technology in realizing high-speed
high-resolution ADCs. An analysis of the effects of the supply voltage and technology
scaling on SC circuits is carried out, and it shows that benefits can be expected at
least for the next few technology generations. The operational amplifier is a central
building block in SC circuits, and thus a comparison of the topologies and their low
voltage capabilities is presented.
It is well-known that the SC technique in its standard form is not suitable for
very low supply voltages, mainly because of insufficient switch control voltage. Two
low-voltage modifications are investigated: switch bootstrapping and the switched
opamp (SO) technique. Improved circuit structures are proposed for both. Two ADC
prototypes using the SO technique are presented, while bootstrapped switches are
utilized in three other prototypes.
An integral part of an ADC is the front-end sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit. At high
signal frequencies its linearity is predominantly determined by the switches utilized.
A review of S/H architectures is presented, and switch linearization by means of bootstrapping
is studied and applied to two of the prototypes. Another important parameter
is sampling clock jitter, which is analyzed and then minimized with carefully-designed
clock generation and buffering.
The throughput of ADCs can be increased by using parallelism. This is demon-
strated on the circuit level with the double-sampling technique, which is applied to
S/H circuits and a pipelined ADC. An analysis of nonidealities in double-sampling
is presented. At the system level parallelism is utilized in a time-interleaved ADC.
The mismatch of parallel signal paths produces errors, for the elimination of which a
timing skew insensitive sampling circuit and a digital offset calibration are developed.
A total of seven prototypes are presented: two double-sampled S/H circuits, a
time-interleaved ADC, an IF-sampling self-calibrated pipelined ADC, a current steering
DAC with a deglitcher, and two pipelined ADCs employing the SO technique.
Keywords: analog integrated circuit, analog-to-digital conversion, BiCMOS, bootstrapped
switch, CMOS, double-sampling, IF-sampling, low voltage, operational amplifier,
pipelined analog-to-digital converter, sample-and-hold circuit, switched-capacitor,
switched-opamp, time interleaving.
<B>【目 录】:</B>
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