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SOC芯片设计 今日: 0|主题: 4442|排名: 47 

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基于FPGA 的QPSK 解调器的设计与实现 dazui 2006-1-24 01326 dazui 2006-1-24 17:43
pentium4的技术资料 retre52rd 2006-1-24 01111 retre52rd 2006-1-24 10:09
同步复位和异步复位 peakwmh 2006-1-15 31320 pxr8434 2006-1-23 15:48
Xilinx术语中文 haochi_123 2006-1-23 11292 kuerle 2006-1-23 15:23
hspice 的問題 dazui 2006-1-23 01013 dazui 2006-1-23 11:46
Catapult C Synthesis User’s and Reference Manual jianli8 2006-1-21 11417 jianli8 2006-1-21 21:28
CatapultC资料,做算法的好工具。swf Demo jianli8 2006-1-21 01331 jianli8 2006-1-21 21:22
关于IO电平 coma 2005-10-25 82151 liuhualove 2006-1-21 01:51
请教怎么进行存储器初始化? pavlebo 2006-1-18 11432 wirnce 2006-1-18 17:41
信号完整性Magma_Silicon_Integrity_White_Paper peakwmh 2006-1-16 01302 peakwmh 2006-1-16 09:56
An Introduction to Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Design zaixq 2006-1-16 01550 zaixq 2006-1-16 00:21
信号完整性Magma_Silicon_Integrity_White_Paper peakwmh 2006-1-15 31400 nemoium 2006-1-15 20:28
Behavioral modeling in VHDL simulation pingbi 2006-1-15 01491 pingbi 2006-1-15 15:35
Computer Architecture Handbook on Verilog HDL pingbi 2006-1-15 01553 pingbi 2006-1-15 15:01
祝贺52RD开新版 Amay 2006-1-14 11450 pingbi 2006-1-15 14:06
自顶向下的FPGA设计 peakwmh 2006-1-15 01430 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:49
高速低功耗FPGA的应用设计 peakwmh 2006-1-15 01449 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:48
十大戒律——优秀论文ten_commandments peakwmh 2006-1-15 01388 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:48
状态机 peakwmh 2006-1-15 01393 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:47
VHDL语言备课笔记 peakwmh 2006-1-15 01526 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:47
VHDL 综合及编码风格 peakwmh 2006-1-15 01688 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:46
VHDL的基本数学运算库 peakwmh 2006-1-15 01373 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:46
FPGA所需配置器件数量表格 peakwmh 2006-1-15 01417 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:44
FPGA设计中关键问题的研究 peakwmh 2006-1-15 01318 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:43
fpga设计指导准则 peakwmh 2006-1-15 01393 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:42
FPGA设计流程指南2_0 peakwmh 2006-1-15 01398 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:41
Altera FPGA的特殊管脚的连接(中文) peakwmh 2006-1-15 01340 peakwmh 2006-1-15 12:39
PrimeTime Seminar zy2002 2006-1-14 11374 zy2002 2006-1-14 21:15
ac97--verilog源码 zy2002 2006-1-14 01416 zy2002 2006-1-14 21:04
[EBook]Model-Based Signal Processing GGey 2006-1-11 11677 swas 2006-1-14 15:48
XILINX推出可编程演示平台, 面向智能手机市场 caesarbbde 2006-1-13 11834 ylboat 2006-1-13 14:18
Comparison of VHDL Verilog and SystemVerilog zy2002 2006-1-11 01505 zy2002 2006-1-11 21:52
[EBook]Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design GGey 2006-1-11 01749 GGey 2006-1-11 08:31
VERILOG GOLDEN REFERENCE GUIDE zy2002 2006-1-11 01201 zy2002 2006-1-11 00:22
Synchronous.Resets.or.Asynchronous.Resets zy2002 2006-1-11 01571 zy2002 2006-1-11 00:18
VHDL training brucewow 2006-1-2 01449 brucewow 2006-1-2 01:50
组合电路去毛刺方法 gulson 2005-12-27 01544 gulson 2005-12-27 18:24
THe VHDL-Cookbook beda 2005-12-16 11414 beda 2005-12-16 14:09
PSpice仿真实践 zscwxy 2005-12-15 01624 zscwxy 2005-12-15 16:25
ASIC电路中PWM接口电路的设计 blackc_offee 2005-11-21 01639 blackc_offee 2005-11-21 10:58
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