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手机天线 今日: 0|主题: 6049|排名: 32 

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各位手机天线研发的兄弟,姐妹赶快进来看看吧~!大家多多支持呀~! cindybridge 2006-8-9 62346 381704 2006-8-23 19:29
我是做手机天线设计射频的,请问一下哪些书对于这行比较有用?? hejiebo 2006-7-29 4760 notap 2006-8-23 17:29
Fractal PIFA, dipole and monopole antennas wwq 2006-8-22 1667 zkxing 2006-8-23 12:31
对于微带贴片天线很细的馈线,如何匹配 asdfasdfwsx 2006-8-22 0658 asdfasdfwsx 2006-8-22 20:43
Finite ground plane packaging effects on a dual-band PIFA wwq 2006-8-22 0634 wwq 2006-8-22 11:39
A capacitively loaded PIFA for compact mobile telephone handsets(1). wwq 2006-8-22 0685 wwq 2006-8-22 11:35
Conformal shaped PIFAs for mobile communication applications wwq 2006-8-22 0646 wwq 2006-8-22 11:34
2.4 GHz ISM band antenna for PC cards(1) wwq 2006-8-22 0585 wwq 2006-8-22 11:34
Design rules of internal antenna antenna2003 2006-8-22 0649 antenna2003 2006-8-22 11:05
Mobile phone design summary antenna2003 2006-8-22 0545 antenna2003 2006-8-22 11:00
low SAR design of folder type handset with dual antennas wwq 2006-8-22 0640 wwq 2006-8-22 09:02
A planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) to be attached to metal containers for an wwq 2006-8-22 0689 wwq 2006-8-22 09:01
An enhanced-bandwidth integrated dual L antenna for mobile communications sys wwq 2006-8-22 0585 wwq 2006-8-22 09:00
A study on miniaturization of a handset antenna utilizing magnetic materials wwq 2006-8-22 0586 wwq 2006-8-22 09:00
Bandwidth enhancement of PIFA loaded with very high permittivity material usi wwq 2006-8-22 0557 wwq 2006-8-22 08:59
Analysis of planar inverted F antenna using spatial network method wwq 2006-8-22 0611 wwq 2006-8-22 08:59
Bandwidth study of a dual band PIFA on a fixed substrate for wireless communi wwq 2006-8-22 0712 wwq 2006-8-22 08:58
A study on miniaturization of 900 MHz and 2 GHz band antennas utilizing magne wwq 2006-8-22 0585 wwq 2006-8-22 08:57
A modified PIFA with a small ground plane wwq 2006-8-22 0692 wwq 2006-8-22 08:56
A compact PIFA suitable for dual-frequency 900 1800-MHz operation wwq 2006-8-22 0628 wwq 2006-8-22 08:22
A Folded Planar Inverted-F Antenna for GSM DCS Bluetooth Triple-Band Applicat wwq 2006-8-22 0697 wwq 2006-8-22 08:22
A capacitively loaded PIFA for compact mobile telephone handsets wwq 2006-8-22 0670 wwq 2006-8-22 08:21
. A compact Hilbert planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) for dual-band mobile ph wwq 2006-8-22 0682 wwq 2006-8-22 08:19
active antena sunnyycc 2006-8-21 0642 sunnyycc 2006-8-21 20:35
智能天线 -没有RDB了 sunnyycc 2006-8-21 0634 sunnyycc 2006-8-21 20:20
天线的馈点和地点可否做在键盘的FPC板上? smogcn 2006-8-20 2749 smogcn 2006-8-21 18:55
PCAAD 2.1 Personal Computer Aided Antenna Design kinpoagilent 2006-8-21 0594 kinpoagilent 2006-8-21 16:46
天线馈电点的位置 RFEMCATA 2006-8-5 62047 antenna2003 2006-8-21 15:14
天线原理 antenna520 2006-8-17 2940 sykwolf 2006-8-21 08:46
增益天线DIY 自己制造无线网络增益天线 guanqiu316 2006-8-21 0681 guanqiu316 2006-8-21 01:58
增益天线DIY 自己制造无线网络增益天线 guanqiu316 2006-8-21 0704 guanqiu316 2006-8-21 01:57
大家来谈谈4G手机智能天线的发展前景! xudaxue 2006-8-17 1701 slgeric 2006-8-20 15:38
哪位大虾有CST.MICROWAVE.STUDIO的中文教程 raylee 2006-4-6 4741 guxiaowei 2006-8-20 15:11
有用CST 2006计算RCS的吗?进来一下 wyf7117 2006-8-12 3681 RFEMCATA 2006-8-19 22:36
手机智能天线测试系统开发及应用 guanqiu316 2006-8-19 0589 guanqiu316 2006-8-19 02:19
PCB多几个接地点,与金属外壳接地,为什么有时候结果会好呢? RORO 2006-7-21 73551 RORO 2006-8-17 21:03
如何克服二次激发导致的天线场形混乱导致的总场强减弱? xxgoodbaby 2006-7-15 3895 slgeric 2006-8-17 16:05
大家来探讨无线通信标准 antenna520 2006-8-17 0577 antenna520 2006-8-17 13:49
CAD of Microstrip Antennas for Wireless Applications marshalzhu 2006-8-16 3744 yangchiru97 2006-8-17 10:41
A 2.4 GHz Transceiver marshalzhu 2006-8-16 1721 yangchiru97 2006-8-17 10:37
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