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移动通信 今日: 0|主题: 13297|排名: 32 

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GSM协议教程 luoweixiong 2006-3-13 41216 liao1liao 2006-5-4 05:22
4G物理层关键技术 cmxqbz 2006-5-3 0806 cmxqbz 2006-5-3 14:41
Software radio architecture a mathematical perspective sunoosun 2006-5-3 0547 sunoosun 2006-5-3 08:01
北邮计算机网络课件 ljzhang 2006-5-3 0850 ljzhang 2006-5-3 01:30
WIRELESS NETWORKS ljzhang 2006-5-3 0622 ljzhang 2006-5-3 01:09
TD-Scdma基礎培訓 hjqw2001 2006-4-7 9980 techfaith 2006-5-3 00:03
夏宇闻verilog讲稿(ppt) stillbrave 2006-5-2 0742 stillbrave 2006-5-2 23:22
七号信令教程 stillbrave 2006-5-2 0856 stillbrave 2006-5-2 22:37
3G移动通信新技术(北京邮电大学) qiangsen 2006-4-27 41108 AndyHuang 2006-5-2 20:54
基站设计 RobitFeng 2006-2-15 21118 handset 2006-5-2 12:24
问问基站的接地电阻 flgtzy 2006-1-3 41895 handset 2006-5-2 12:11
wcdma概述 stillbrave 2006-5-2 0724 stillbrave 2006-5-2 10:34
华为资料 WCDMA基本原理 joshen 2006-4-28 21083 zhouccju 2006-5-2 10:07
TeamLib - Introduction to Private Land Mobile Radio.chm sunoosun 2006-5-2 0677 sunoosun 2006-5-2 09:45
Thesis - Analysis of Coded OFDM System over Frequency Selective Fading Channe sunoosun 2006-5-2 0615 sunoosun 2006-5-2 09:23
Sirius - Spread Spectrum Introduction sunoosun 2006-5-2 0729 sunoosun 2006-5-2 09:21
nortel_cdma.zip stillbrave 2006-5-2 0636 stillbrave 2006-5-2 00:14
802.15.4a 信道程序 Adelaide 2006-4-30 0669 Adelaide 2006-4-30 18:29
基于matlab的MIMO simulator Adelaide 2006-4-30 0684 Adelaide 2006-4-30 18:24
4G物理层关键技术 Adelaide 2006-4-30 1811 Adelaide 2006-4-30 17:55
电路板厂各生产流程常识(免费) chenjianeng 2006-4-15 1797 kimgreat 2006-4-30 17:13
TD-SCDMA同步原理 lanneret 2006-4-24 2778 lonlywin 2006-4-30 14:58
想down点TDS-CDMA的资料,可是没钱了 hope2000 2006-4-29 1688 nlxx 2006-4-30 13:46
基站排障手册 kejy 2006-4-24 6914 kejy 2006-4-30 08:27
GSM网络实际信道承载能力探讨 wzhyxp 2006-4-29 0721 wzhyxp 2006-4-29 22:31
GSM载频规模计算方法 wzhyxp 2006-4-29 0716 wzhyxp 2006-4-29 22:30
TD-SCDMA的系统及关键技术 lovesee 2006-4-29 0682 lovesee 2006-4-29 16:42
TD-SCDMA终端RF测试方法技术培训 hsyn 2006-3-24 61144 qingmu877 2006-4-29 16:17
[HELP]QPSK gulson 2006-2-9 51199 dmu 2006-4-29 16:04
手机号码两两颠倒函数 tongliangl 2006-4-29 0640 tongliangl 2006-4-29 14:29
Introduction to cdma!(free) mysky163 2006-4-3 2948 hunter_2006 2006-4-29 14:13
手机概念常识 jiangmin405 2006-3-4 1887 coversky 2006-4-29 14:08
关于手机摄像头模组的问题? justsosocs 2006-4-29 0579 justsosocs 2006-4-29 10:55
西门子资料 fy12311 2006-4-7 2844 loewy 2006-4-29 10:54
[中兴通讯WCDMA系列]站点选择和信息勘察 KarLoo 2006-4-29 1777 KarLoo 2006-4-29 09:34
有人在用PLTS 软件吗? 有很多问题要问. ctc961139101 2006-4-28 0632 ctc961139101 2006-4-28 21:21
通信原理(高频电子电路课件)(2) aycel 2006-4-28 02163 aycel 2006-4-28 15:08
通信电路 aycel 2006-4-28 0671 aycel 2006-4-28 15:01
数字信号处理(第二版) aycel 2006-4-28 0706 aycel 2006-4-28 14:53
(免费)一种新的短波跳频通信网位同步方法及其实现 wyaiwy 2006-4-28 0722 wyaiwy 2006-4-28 13:45
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