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手机测试 今日: 0|主题: 8757|排名: 29 

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到华为做测试怎么样啊 红红1 2005-12-29 41216 konka 2006-3-26 17:46
求助::谁有拒绝SN扫重号的软件,特急 yaomingzhi 2006-3-24 61343 yaomingzhi 2006-3-25 22:39
Will'tek4405 test francis 2006-3-23 2890 francis 2006-3-25 15:13
Modern.Receiver.Front.Ends.Systems.Circuits.and.Integr Summy 2006-3-25 1852 cuijw 2006-3-25 13:15
signal and system Summy 2006-3-25 1868 cuijw 2006-3-25 13:14
Microwave.And.RF.Circuits.2nd.Edition Summy 2006-3-25 1775 cuijw 2006-3-25 13:14
basic knowledge of the wicrowave Summy 2006-3-25 1755 cuijw 2006-3-25 13:11
DigitalCommunication Summy 2006-3-25 1753 cuijw 2006-3-25 13:11
Advanced_Techniques in_RF_Power_Amplifier_Design Summy 2006-3-25 1803 cuijw 2006-3-25 13:10
Design_and_optimization_of_CMOS_RF_power_amplifiers Summy 2006-3-25 0808 Summy 2006-3-25 13:06
通信协议 chengmj 2006-3-23 61101 gjinxue 2006-3-25 02:25
手机电流测试问题 davide 2006-3-20 51327 yangshoot 2006-3-24 20:19
求助 michael_lee 2006-3-15 51258 zwm0735 2006-3-24 19:18
移动电话安全测试(泰尔实验室) hali 2006-3-6 41173 musicworm 2006-3-24 13:52
谁知道如何使用53310测RF chandlerdeng 2006-3-24 0817 chandlerdeng 2006-3-24 13:42
mobile TXpower and receive test.doc RAINKANGKANG 2006-3-24 1827 cuijw 2006-3-24 11:44
1580533523-Artech-Technology Trends in Wireless Communications RAINKANGKANG 2006-3-24 1809 cuijw 2006-3-24 11:42
1580533558-Artech-Location Management and Routing in Mobile Wireless Networks RAINKANGKANG 2006-3-24 1829 cuijw 2006-3-24 11:41
158053371X-Artech-TDD-CDMA for Wireless Communications RAINKANGKANG 2006-3-24 1867 cuijw 2006-3-24 11:41
1580531598-Artech-GPRS Gateway to Third Generation Mobile Networks RAINKANGKANG 2006-3-24 1782 cuijw 2006-3-24 11:40
1580535429-Artech-Radio Engineering for Wireless Communication and Sensor App RAINKANGKANG 2006-3-24 1919 cuijw 2006-3-24 11:39
1580535976-Artech-EDGE for Mobile Internet RAINKANGKANG 2006-3-24 1799 cuijw 2006-3-24 11:39
1580534821-Artech-Multicarrier Techniques for 4G Mobile Communications RAINKANGKANG 2006-3-24 1888 cuijw 2006-3-24 11:38
1580531598-Artech-GPRS Gateway to Third Generation Mobile Networks RAINKANGKANG 2006-3-24 1611 cuijw 2006-3-24 11:23
1580533167-Artech-Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems RAINKANGKANG 2006-3-24 1846 cuijw 2006-3-24 11:23
1580533477-Artech-Software Defined Radio for 3G-fly RAINKANGKANG 2006-3-24 1856 cuijw 2006-3-24 11:23
只发免费贴!-翻盖手机详细结构组成 新新用户 2006-3-19 2993 wrq1102 2006-3-23 21:13
高质量C++编程指南(免费) shell 2006-3-13 51272 刀锋战士 2006-3-23 20:51
校准RF时采样的取样数 chengmj 2006-3-23 0799 chengmj 2006-3-23 19:48
手机电量不够造成的一种特殊故障: bobliubo 2006-3-23 1957 angusxie 2006-3-23 15:47
移动电话电磁辐射性能要求与测试方法(ppt) ee123 2006-3-22 7953 林惠 2006-3-23 12:39
请问AT+CFUN问题 asdacdabc 2006-3-22 31301 asdacdabc 2006-3-22 16:19
请问:想要对手机的bluetooth性能进行测试,怎么样进入测试模式? luxity 2006-3-8 1986 awp666 2006-3-22 14:13
关于bandgap gao2000 2006-3-21 2943 gao2000 2006-3-22 13:33
租赁仪器 wj1226 2006-3-21 51145 cuijw 2006-3-22 12:45
WCDMA生产线如何进行可视电话? yqw320 2006-1-14 41036 techfaith 2006-3-21 15:53
手机的RTC时钟如何测试?标准如何定义//高人指点吧 pooh2008 2006-3-21 0974 pooh2008 2006-3-21 11:55
手机的RTC时钟如何测试?标准如何定义//高人指点吧 pooh2008 2006-3-21 0810 pooh2008 2006-3-21 11:52
讨教NOKIA手机的测试模式 rong2719 2006-1-17 31190 ljian 2006-3-21 11:00
什么是手机金机?它和普通手机有什么区别?它有什么意义? sust0000 2006-1-24 104132 chengmj 2006-3-21 09:51
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