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射频微波 今日: 0|主题: 23494|排名: 29 

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求《射频与微波电子学》拉德马内斯 baomi2006 2006-8-30 0284 baomi2006 2006-8-30 15:22
scanner and ham radio frequencies youshenglin 2006-8-29 1311 yangchiru97 2006-8-30 13:36
求MicrowaveOffice使用说明 zhd_1983 2006-8-25 3485 checkz 2006-8-30 13:29
low-noise amplifier brightsunny 2006-8-30 0310 brightsunny 2006-8-30 13:14
请问! andy0306 2006-8-30 0318 andy0306 2006-8-30 12:55
疑问:关于放大器反射系数。 rougefeng 2006-8-29 1520 rougefeng 2006-8-30 12:42
去藕电容的应用 gzg800 2006-8-30 2409 toxotae 2006-8-30 12:16
华为(内部)通信技术综合资料 xzjsap 2006-8-30 0301 xzjsap 2006-8-30 12:16
自动化测试系统制作范例 webohu 2005-12-19 2550 webohu 2006-8-30 08:49
文件名】:06829@52RD_0682@52RD_0682@52RD_上海贝尔PCB 设计规范.pdf chinajty 2006-8-29 1537 ypfypfypf 2006-8-29 22:44
serenade中文教材 ghost1 2006-5-24 6973 lahidea 2006-8-29 22:23
microwave and rf engineering formulas youshenglin 2006-8-29 1403 lahidea 2006-8-29 22:21
nonlinear piezoelectric behavior of ceramic bending mode actuators under stro youshenglin 2006-8-29 0339 youshenglin 2006-8-29 22:12
kalman filter for arbitrage identification in high frequency data youshenglin 2006-8-29 0305 youshenglin 2006-8-29 22:08
中频放大器 brightsunny 2006-8-24 1513 www163 2006-8-29 22:06
joint clock recovery and baseband combining for the diversity radio channel youshenglin 2006-8-29 0322 youshenglin 2006-8-29 22:06
gaalas gaas micromachined thermally tunable vertical cavity filter with low t youshenglin 2006-8-29 0331 youshenglin 2006-8-29 22:04
a boosted particle filter- multitarget detection and tracking youshenglin 2006-8-29 0381 youshenglin 2006-8-29 22:00
complete analysis of a polynomial factorization algorithm over finite fields youshenglin 2006-8-29 0297 youshenglin 2006-8-29 21:57
2005年EEsof用户论文集,大降价!! sydy110 2006-8-18 1625 dcyuan 2006-8-29 21:56
微波滤波器的设计制作与调试 brightsunny 2006-8-29 0398 brightsunny 2006-8-29 21:28
微带线HFSS分析题例 免费  ...2 hling 2005-11-29 311879 marldini 2006-8-29 20:58
digital receiver handbook basics of software radio youshenglin 2006-8-29 0333 youshenglin 2006-8-29 20:50
信产部统计:电子百强利润创5年半来最低 zhoujunyi 2006-8-29 0263 zhoujunyi 2006-8-29 19:46
FPGA设计经验谈 fei_L1983 2006-8-29 0463 fei_L1983 2006-8-29 19:42
射频系统实践 zhoujunyi 2006-8-29 0319 zhoujunyi 2006-8-29 19:41
滤波器设计基础 fei_L1983 2006-8-29 0537 fei_L1983 2006-8-29 19:40
射频与微波电路设计基础-->feel转移 freeboat 2005-10-2 101321 xietao534 2006-8-29 19:10
Smith Chart Tutorial sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 0350 sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 19:08
信号源测量 sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 0415 sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 18:48
噪声系数测量 sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 0416 sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 18:47
传输线原理和功率测量 sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 0397 sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 18:43
射频电路板设计技巧 sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 0309 sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 18:39
PCB设计基础教程 sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 0341 sunjeeyc 2006-8-29 18:38
问个矢网测量天线输入阻抗的问题 gpsbdins 2006-8-29 4736 lui1978 2006-8-29 18:25
请教 “动态范围” 定义 zyps 2006-8-15 81880 bufferman 2006-8-29 17:45
射頻微波電路設計 -free kinpoagilent 2006-8-29 0316 kinpoagilent 2006-8-29 17:21
双工器 ZY3209 2006-8-15 101032 babyface-fly 2006-8-29 16:56
一个微波低噪声放大器设计(LNA)实例 wangyz 2006-8-29 0536 wangyz 2006-8-29 16:33
微波晶体管特性及模型 wppwly 2006-5-12 1468 lahidea 2006-8-29 16:27
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